Thailand in located in South East Asia and has a population of about 70 million people. Thailand’s weather tends to be defined by three seasons: the wet season (May to October), the cool season (November to February) and the hot season (March to May). The best time to visit Thailand is between November and early April.

The local currency is the Thai Baht. 1 US dollar is 34 Baht. Your US money here goes a long way. Everything is very affordable and if eventually you will plan to move there (why not?), you can really live like a king. No joke.

The main language here is Thai. English is very well spoken by the local population. You won’t have any problems at all. This country is the biggest business and touristic hub in South East Asia and there’s plenty of business going on especially in the capital Bangkok and in Phuket.

There are millions of foreigners visiting this country on a monthly basis for business and for tourisms, therefore if you go there you’ll see a lot of Americans, Europeans and Australians.

Thailand is by far the largest gold mine when it comes to women.

In this country you can fulfill all of your fantasies. The women there date ONLY foreigners and are accustomed to the Western lifestyle.

First of all let me tell you something. Thai women are sexy, very pretty and very well mannered. They are educated, speak very good English, dress nice and they simply attractive. THEY WANT a foreign guy and this is a known fact. You will see there plenty of foreigners of any ages with a Thai woman. It’s absolutely insane what’s going on there. There are so many women there that you won’t even know where to start from. You’ll be attracted to almost every single woman you see in the streets.


You’ll need know where to go in Thailand. The capital is Bangkok but don’t go there. It’s fun yes but it’s too chaotic, very big, extremely overpopulated and it has plenty of foreigners working there. You can go there for a few days if you want to, but that’s it.

PHUKET is the place that you should go to.

Phuket is the mother of all party destinations. It is a short 1 hour flight from Bangkok. Usually costs about $75 for a one way flight. Or you can fly directly there with most major airlines. From the US, you are looking once again at a 15+ hour flight, most likely it will be 1 or 2 connections but it’s worth the trip.

In Phuket you can find anything from clubs, bars, strip clubs, some of the nicest beaches in the world, and of course,local women. Your first destination should be Bangla road. There you will find about 30-40 bars all with their own music theme. There are hiphop bars, house/techno bars/ salsa dancing/ R&B bars and anything else you can think of. There are also bars called Lady bars, where women go there specifically to meet foreign men. Think of it like speed dating on easy mode. Phuket is a hub for foreigners to go and just have a good time. Go there, drink, dance, meet women and have a great time.

  1. I highly recommend you go and check out the Ping Pong show, don’t ask me what it is.. just go. You can say it’s quite an… experience.

As for lodging in Phuket, I recommend you stick to hotels, as there are little to no Airbnb’s there. Most hotels come with shuttles to and from the airport, as well as breakfast and 24/7 staff. The prices range anywhere from $40-$50 a night for a 4 star resort depending on the season.

The Islands

A short Boat ride away from Phuket are a couple of amazing islands that you have to experience. Phi Phi Island and Monkey Island are 2 of the main ones. When you think of islands, what do you think of? Crystal clear water? White sandy beaches? Beautiful women and tropical drinks? Well, Phi Phi Island is this AND some. I highly recommend you bring a girl that you hit it off with in Phuket there with you, as this will definitely strengthen your relationship with her as there is a very beautiful romantic vibe there. Again, all these trips and boat rides and bars will cost you a fraction of the cost it would in the US or Europe.

Monkey island is basically all the above but with MONKEYS just strolling around in the beach, you can feed them and interact with them. Also there are elephant rides you can go on. Some people don’t do it as it’s considered animal abuse in their eyes so do what you deem morally fit in your eyes.


Dating apps are a great way of meeting women there, I recommend you have Bumble and Tinder downloaded, as well as the paid versions. This way you can maximize your interactions and not have to wait for the next day for more swipes. Break the ice with these women on the app and immediately ask them to meet at a bar or to go dancing. Remember, this isn’t the US or Europe. These women want to meet you just as much as you want to meet them. There is no grace period that they put before they meet you and all those tests in the western world. Meet for a drink, be yourself, and you’re gunna hit home runs every.single.time.

Another option is for you to just approach girls in the street, bars, clubs etc. I know this option has become very taboo in the western world and you get looked at a certain way. But in Thailand, they see this as confidence and are flattered about these interactions. Go up to a girl that you find attractive, be brave and shoot your shot. They will be very friendly and accepting. Even if they are not interested/ in a relationship, they will let you know in a very friendly way and if anything, you’ve gained a friend. But 95% of the chance they will be interested. Also be prepared to be approached by them. I know this is only heard of in fairy tales but in Thailand, WOMEN approach you and flirt with you countless times. Be confident, funny, and you will almost certainly hit it off.


There are literally hundreds of spots where you can take a date to, here is a small list we have prepared for you:

  • Kee Sky Lounge – Rooftop: This is an excellent bar on a roof top that has the view of Patong beach. Food is great and drinks are tasty.
  • Baba Nest: Another great rooftop bar that has an insane view especially at sunset. It’s not too crowded and you will definitely have a good time here.
  • Akoya Star Lounge: Beautiful lounge with the beautiful view of the bay. It’s definitely a spot to take a lot of pictures as well. Any woman will love to go this place.
  • The Library Phuket: Fantastic bar that has great decorations. They serve good drinks and you will love the atmosphere.
  • Club Number 43: Small little bar, very cozy and chill. Excellent spot to take someone there. Great cocktails.
  • Michaelangelo’s Bar: Cute and cozy bar that plays Rock and Jazz. It’s not a big place but it’s cozy.
  • BarFunk Phuket: Very spacious and big bar, they play live music there and you can also smoke Shisha if you feel like it.
  • Cue Bar : This is a sports bar. The food is very good and you can also play pool if you want to.
  • Dibuk House: Great bar with very good cocktails. You can’t go wrong by going to this place. A lot of people like to go here.
  • Zimplex Mixology Laboratory: Very weird name for a bar, but very nice looking inside with all kind of lights all over tables. They serve very good drinks and it’s just fun to be there.
  • Illuzion Phuket: Perhaps the best dance club in Phuket. They mostly play here electronic music, there’s always tons of people. It’s very crowded but if you are into the club scene then this is the place for you.


Phuket is an excellent place to visit and possibly even retire. The cost of living there is cheap, the atmosphere is amazing and feels like paradise. And if you’re single, you will not be for long. The selection of women there is insane that you won’t have a problem finding one. If you are looking for a beachside retirement option or a calm place to work remotely and then party at night , Phuket is definitely top of that list.